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Please email us or call 0064 (0)9 817 8682 (landline) or 027 309 3681 (mobile) if you have any queries about the Poetry Moves! project.

You can also chat to us on Facebook by using the Media Projects page.

Thank you - we hope to hear from you soon.



The project was managed by Media Projects East Ltd, working in collaboration with Stalham High School, Norfolk. The company moved to Auckland, New Zealand in July 2014, where it was renamed Media Projects. It specialises in video led community and educational work, encompassing media arts, animation, heritage and social issues.

To learn more, please visit the main web site here.

Martin Sercombe working with the Stalham High production team

Martin Sercombe working with the Stalham High production team.

Quotes from the Literature Live Festival

"I enjoyed the Literature Live events. I learned a lot about public speaking and writing within it."

"I thoroughly enjoyed the Literature Live event. There were a few discombobulations for me, but I overcame them interfrastically."

"I thought that it was good. I liked that you could imagine and write a poem and perform it yourself or with another student."

"I enjoyed the freedom to express myself in a way of my choice."

"Our students really valued the time off timetable to express themselves through a variety of different media and work with professionals from the world of the arts and creative industries. It gave them a good insight into the creative process and it was particularly good to see students who sometimes may struggle with literacy or who are generally more reserved in a classroom situation, expressing themselves and managing to get their voices heard. I think the students who took part surprised themselves with the strength of their creative responses and we as a school, were delighted with the end result of their efforts."
Julia Lester School Librarian

National Lottery / Shaw Trust / Media Projects East